
Monday, August 25, 2008

千七百十八: Fireworks

went to meet xh for dinner on Friday. due to work, i was late by about an hour... ate at sakae teppan.. dunno why their rice was so dry it felt like the rice scratched my throat.. hmm .. after that we sat chatting at Gloria Jeans until nearly midnight.. I guess the influence of your surroundings is really very important in how your attitude is towards the things you do. how much you want to put in effort for everything you do depends on how much the other around you want to put in effort as well. if you are surrounded by a bunch of slackers, would you want to work hard? I don't think so. & since everyone is slacking, why would you know what is harder work than what effort you are seeing? we don't see why people can put in half-assed efforts & be proud of their "effort" thinking its cool to do whatever they are doing & laugh at people who put in wholehearted work. grr. anyway, highlight was that we got to see the fireworks by accident. :)

i'm so hooked on 花より男子 now... 小栗旬 is so handsome! i didn't know he was sooo tall. 1.84m! his character is so sad in the show.. 花沢類 is so melancholy... when 牧野つくし turned away when he tried to kiss her, the hurt on his face really made my heart drop.. (T.T) have been up til 2am every night trying to finish the show. heee.. i must watch the movie when it's out in sg! 花より男子ファイナル!!

finished work at 11.30pm today...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

千七百十七: 10 more days

damn it. i can't believe how suay i was this evening. the usual instructor for the class this evening wasn't there and was replaced by the boring instructor from yesterday's body sculpt class. sianz. in the end we skipped the class & treadmilled our evening away.

10 more days til Ryo comes by.

finally finished getting the Japanese version of the F4 drama. :D

sick so sick of my work. & everything else. I just wan to sleep for days...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

千七百十六: Hot Yoga

Finally 2nd week of UAT is over.

This week, i was really too busy to log on, having to work til midnight 2 times in the past week. the rest of the time i didn't only because i had made appt with others to go to the gym to force myself to leave earlier. it really amazes me that even though we all speak / read /write English, the pple in redmond can't seem to understand our emails. :S then we waste all sorts of time going back & forth.

gym on monday, tue, thurs & today. (Hot yoga this morning)

A accidentally kicked me when i was behind her with her heels today & now my ankle is swollen. hurts like mad. its amazing what heels can do.. how dangerous they are actually.

Finally made reservations for ryo's oct stay. we'll stay at Fairmont Singapore. the rates for hotel rooms are up the roof actually.. but the weekend price for the package is pretty worth it. I hope we have a good time.

have not been sleeping well the past few days. very weird dreams, of pple I thought I had forgotten about.

too tired now, can't really recall what I did during the week except work.. will update more when i can recall.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

千七百十五: UAT

Lack of posts the past week due to being lazy busy.

UAT time this month again, being the Regional Coordinator is really a killer this time due to the volume of tests we are expected to execute & having to coordinate so many pple. wish that some of them would be more cooperative though. doesn't it irk u when u send out a very complete email that these people don't even bother to read then ping you for every little thing that could have been resolved if they had just read the emails? whats the point of having a mailbox if you don't read your mail?

Went to the gym on tue, wed and thurs.

Yesterday was a super unlucky day. I lost $50, dropped it i think, almost the minute i got it w/o realising. Until when I had reached the gym then I remembered the $50 & it couldn't be found by that time. sianz. got to the gym, waited a while, then I checked with the reception to realise that there were no classes cos it was national day. what a waste of my time!! so I took a shower, headed to peninsula to collect photos, but guess what, the shop was closed as well. argh!! headed home dejectedly. stayed at home the rest of the day to avoid more bad luck.

had very weird dreams this morning. dreamt of a huge tsunami and I was trying to escape it, then woke up in fright. ate breakfast, dozed off and dreamt of some weird evil ghosts who were trying to deny me my mushroom swiss burger. after that .. the dream continued to have my handphone stolen by some chinese foreigner worker at a bus stop. wonder wats going on in my head.

Monday, August 04, 2008

千七百十四: Baby Chloe

finally some breathing time.

went to D's baby girl's 2 year old birthday party yesterday, it was pretty fun. meaning, we had fun with the little girl :) she's so cute!!

Chloe looking at me
baby Chloe looking at me as I try to take a picture with her.. 

chloe & Kitty

Chloe & her birthday present

saturday, went to Sentosa with colleagues and got myself a sunburn on the left shoulder & back. I didn't know cafe del mar looked this good.

Cafe del Mar poolside
cafe del mar

Hiroki showing us magic tricks

Hiroki showing us card tricks

drank a little too much, was sleepy & headachy towards late afternoon. the sun was super hot as well. left at about 5pm..

gym planned for tomorrow, i'm getting quite fond of the ABT class at Cali.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

千七百十三: Sentosa

Some photos to show, no time to blog now..

frisbee & gigantic cards


will update later

Friday, August 01, 2008

千七百十二: Flu Bug

The flu bug hit me yesterday and it was just sniff sniff sniff the whole day. had to ask around for tissue.

hit home with a bad headache & this morning just couldn't wake up properly.. argh..

my personal group pic of the wedding taken by N-san's camera:
group pic
everyone just looks so naturally happy :)

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