
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

[2048] 7 months old!

In the blink of an eye, the small bear is now 7 months old, more than half a year has passed, starting to crawl/wriggle around to explore the living room space.

She's weighing a hefty almost 9kg, and wearing 12-18months clothing size. For a baby that's still being exclusively breastfed, not a mean feat!

We have been back in JP for almost 4 months, and finally feel like we are coping fine. If I manage to wake up earlier than everyone, I get to do a short hour of work, otherwise I try to cram some work in the evening. On other days when I snooze and snooze, I get up when I finally have to and prepare lunch, wake everyone up when the food is ready, and feed the baby while bb eats. After some milk, usually SB is in a good mood so she will play by herself on the playmat (rolling/crawling/chewing stuff) while I then take my lunch. If we're supposed to go for any lesson in the afternoon, we get changed and ready while SB is still in a good mood and then BB does some worksheets while waiting for time to leave. All the classes are within walking distance but we try to reach at least 5 minutes early (or else with no such goal, we would probably leave the house too late instead). After her 1 hour class, we might head to the supermarket for some groceries and then we reach home around 6pm to feed the baby and then cook dinner. and the aim is just to survive each day.

Sb has been to quite a few places so far in the past few months. She's gone to a baseball match, soccer match, Nagasaki, Tokyo, and Bangkok. Besides the crazy number of poos per day, (5-6!!) she's been a good baby so far, and she falls asleep without much struggle every 3-4 hours, which is definitely a big help. Bb tries to be a helpful elder sister, helping me take stuff or entertain her sister whenever we need an extra pair of hands. The hb tries to help out at home with the kids' bathtime mainly.

I would say it's hard giving attention to 2 kids.. especially the elder one, because she is somehow so noisy compared to the baby (I think the lack of sleep makes me very short-tempered) and I am just nagging and nagging at her to please give me some quiet. She asked me what is my favourite activity and I said - "being quiet" haha!

But this year is nearly at its end, with the new baby, the year has gone by in a blink. The first time round I didn't feel that time went by so fast though. I do wish this phase when sb is so smiley and happy and cute would last longer. Before long, she will become this 130cm being whose expression is mainly sulking and frowning and also start thinking she knows all there is to know in this world.


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