
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

千四百六十四: 一天又这么过了


可能是因为一早到了办公室就得参加teleconference、简直连喘一口气的时间都没有。虽然我近来改搭177号巴士然后转搭地铁到女皇镇,然后乘搭免费的短程巴士到办公室,理论上是应该比直趟巴士963号更快抵达目的地。但是不知怎的,每天反而差点迟到。直趟巴士其实车费也比较便宜,但是想着得走到这么远的巴士站,还有我会失去碰到帅哥Jude Law的机会,实在是没办法搭回963号巴士。

开完会,就忙着看email,每天早上至少有五十封信件等着我去看。不只有寄给我的,也有一大堆是project mailing list寄来的。要看哪一些得传达给队友,哪一些得回答,实在是一个大考验,而且也很浪费时间。总之,只是email而已,忙到来,转眼间就是午餐时间了。(我的午餐时间是11am。)






oops.. anyway, I had a really hectic week.

My Jude Law hasn't appeared on the bus the whole week :( and I realised taking 963 bus was cheaper but I couldn't bear the thought of having to walk to the bus stop so far away now that I could take a bus straight at my door step & there is still the possibility of meeting Mr Jude Law on the bus. This route should be faster than taking 963 but I think its the free shuttle bus that wasted all the time since usually I reach Queenstown MRT by 8am.

so having reached the office barely on time, immediately I gotta log into the teleconference and get bombarded by questions. after the call, I have to delegate the work and update the team about the bug status. lunch comes really quickly since its at 11am. the day flies by when you are preparing for meetings and after lunch its soon time for the 3pm meeting. After the meeting, I have to send out the Daily status summary report for the day's testing and then before I know it, its 5pm. Time to prepare to go home! :D

But I prefer such days to days w/o anything to do. Like last week, I hate having to pretend to be busy cos u don't want to let your colleagues feel pissed off at you for relaxing in the office while they seem to be so busy.

Will see Ryo in less than a month!! can't wait!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how come it's in chinese??? been following your blog, now i am lost!

11:32 am GMT+8  
Blogger booboogal said...

oh no! i'm really sorry!! my bad.. I won't write in Chinese here from now on.

For your benefit, i'll edit this post and add on something at the bottom..

12:19 pm GMT+8  

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