
Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas

am too tired now to blog but I've put up the photos so do go see it...
whole body muscles and all aching and very zzz from the waking up early every day..

Ski Day 1:
at the top of the slopes.. beginning my first ski ever
b4 my first trip down the slopes

yay! end of first and only ski of the day
when i finally finished that first ski an hour later..

temperature for the day

Ski Day 2:
end of my first time down the slopes without falling at all! heavy snow that day.. low visibility, and that was my first ski of the day

lunch of curry chicken after 2 times down the slope.. hokkaido is famous for their curry..

3rd ski of the day.. clear weather on top of the slopes when it was snowing like mad down there..

after my final ride (6th) down the slopes without fallin!... the snow was falling wildly by then..

my trusty skis

Xmas Eve Dinner:
dinner at a Italian restaurant at the top level of the hotel

i was quite dressed up

we had a pretty good time ..

all dressed up on Xmas eve
tada! me in my short black dress.. (^-^)

IMG_6370a hermes necklacethe H pendant
his xmas present to me... so sweet!!

Home sweet home:
on the plane back to osaka
and i guess that's the end of the trip..


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