
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

test is over. happy thaat my vocab is not bad (cos i been typing reports for a few days and need to look up alot of new words) but sad thaat my grammar sux. yuck.

got another few more reports to read at work. ahh.. in japanese. and its like essays of at least 10 pages. help me! ...

at least when time passes quickly, its quite ok, with emailing the other trainees in btw and surfing the net for more info etc.

we all seem to be losing interest in our jap lessons. is it cos we've reached our saturation point? time is passing really fast suddenly. its almost the weekend again. at this time last week, just one more day til the long weekend. well.. today i will say that.. 2 more days to the weekend!

i th ink spring is arriving. its been raining the past few days and the weather has turned considerably warmer. such that i can just wear a jacket without bundling myself up like a rice dumpling when i go out, or that i actually perspire on my way to work etc. can:t believe i would say this but i MISS PErsPIRING! hahaha...


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