
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

lunchtime snippets

finally mid week.

i realise i countdown every weekday to the weekend. and then the weekend goes by in a big blur and suddenly i have to countdown to the weekend again. that is why time is going by sooooo fast!!

too fast..

i am not ready to say goodbye to anything or anyone here yet..


ok.. i must stop feeling sad.. i been trying to stop feeling sleepy at work so i tried sleeping earlier. but even though i feel exhausted and i keep yawning at work, i don't feel like sleeipng the moment i reach home. and i try hard to doze off at 11.30 til 12+ and i wake up feeling tired again. had the weirdest dreams these few nights, of family, and friends. i guess mainly of people i miss. sighz.

i guess once a person is feeling depressed its diff to get cheered up again but when a person is happy, that can go downhill really quickly. why is that so??


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