
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Friday 4-Nov

4-November (Friday)

Happy belated bday mr Ryo!

hehe.. just typed that for fun cos thats the day of his real birthday!

so we woke up super duper early at 7am cos the obachan had told us that breakfast was at 8.30am. so we set the alarm at 7, woke up, shut it off and then slept til 8am. Argh! Forced ourselves to wake up and took a bath and let the obachan set up breakfast while we shut the paper doors heh. And then at about 8.30am went back in for breakfast. Once again… I shall let pictures speak loudly:
it was quite good actually, despite being so much.. the fish had too many tiny bones though.

After breakfast (only 15min later hehe) we took a bath again until 9.30 and rushed to get ready for check out. And we didn't realize the beach was so near the Ryokan until we went to take a bus to see Engetsu Islet(円月島). It was practically just at the doorstep and it was beautiful!!

see what I mean?

But the day's schedule was quite tight so we just took a few pictures on the beach and went to wait for the bus. It comes like every half hour so it was no joke to miss it. So we went to see Engetsu and it was a beautiful natural landmark. One of the weirdest I have ever seen to tell the truth. Looks like a big wooden toy block that kids play with.


but anyway.. it was just that. The island is only that landform and has no like beach for people to go up on so we just viewed it from afar. The next bus was like an hour later and so, we decided to walk to the bus stop where the Ryokan was (1.5km away!) in the hot sun no less. But we managed it.. and just nice that bus came bout 5 min after we reached the bus stop so we took the bus to Sandanbeki 三段壁 next. I took a pict in the bus and its one of the rare picts in which I don't look tired. Wahahah.

one of the rare shots i looked good in

Sandanbeki is a cliff. A very high cliff. There are even signs there to tell you to please consider twice, your life lost will have nothing earned, call this helpline if you need someone to talk to.. etc.


Boards with msgs to help the suicidal.


And they will definitely die if they jump.


and this is how it would look if you were standing at the top and looking down


horrible huh.. so we climbed to the nearly very end of the top, and sat together watching the pacific ocean and feeling the ocean breeze in our hair.

Here and there, I almost lost my footing (ahhhhhhh!!) but I managed to pull through. Hehe.. although I did see a guy with like 2 kids and one was still being carried in his arms and the other one was like running ahead of him towards the fatal drop and he couldn’t catch up so I hope the kid has more common sense than to run around.

So we left 15 minutes b4 the bus came and we walked to the bus stop in case the bus came early. There was a minimart there and apparently the place is famous for plums. Heh.. and we got onto the bus to Adventure Land but that's the next story. Hmm I think we left Sandanbeki around 12.30pm… paiseh ah.. it took me hours to write this (in the office)

Writing about the weekend makes me feel like I'm doing time traveling.. and now back to the present..

I had dinner with Jaclyn on Tuesday cos she came to Capcom to get a talk from one of our marketing guy and a new lady. Yah.. her class from Kansai Gaidai came actually, cos I helped her!! hehe.. my Corporate planning dept has all the big shots, including the PR dept, so i helped her to ask to arrange a talk where they could learn about Capcom and yay the talk was arranged! So I had okonomiyaki お好み焼 with her. That's like erh.. egg and cabbage with anything you wanna put inside. It sounds weird and it is, I don't really like it but I love yakisoba 焼きそば which is basically just fried noodles and is also part of the okonomiyaki family so I ate that. But yah so before that we went shopping at 心斎橋 shinsaibashi and after that food and we ate and sat there until 10+ I think? Yah.. I like talking to Jaclyn cos I don't talk to the other Singaporeans much here (too much hidden agenda in some of them and too empty-headed another one is) and I barely talk to anyone in my office about my life cos its too difficult to explain or say anything with blank stares.

Last night my Corporate planning side had a welcome/farewell party for me and some new people in the law department. It was so fun cos we played drinking games and there was this lady from law who was really funny cos she was slightly tipsy but towards the end, I just got more disgusted. She started holding the hands of like the guys next to her (one of them was married!!) and ask them to marry her and told the guy sitting opposite her that she loves him etc and she kept holding on to the hand of the married guy and he just let her and she kept touching him all over and it was like “omG!!” I couldn't bear to look and could only just grimace and tried to talk in some other direction. Argh. But overall a good evening, the food was delicious and I hope to have dinner with my team again. (^-^)


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