
Friday, November 11, 2005

final instalment: adventure world

4-nov friday 2pm

oops. been really slow in updating.. i apologise..!! but just been very tired after work and came back check email have dinner and then just fall asleep. and even so i already keep yawning at work.

ok anyway, friday after Sandanbeki, we went to adventure World. we thought it was half zoo half theme park since it was famous for its pandas but other than that, didn't really know what it was.


so we bought 2 tix and went in and we hadn't had lunch so we were like looking for a place to eat. but they didn't have anything and we found the food court and there wasn't much choice. so we chose curry rice. which sucked. i just couldn't force down like the 2nd half and i just gave everything to Ryo. he wasn't picky and he thought it was ok so .. i guess thats good, nothing wasted.

after lunch, took a look at the programs they offered on a board. realised with shock the place was bloodsucking. to touch the dolphins we had to pay 2000 yen and to take pictures with the baby lion we had to pay another 2000 yen. to ride the safari bus or cycle was another 1000 yen. mY GOD! and entrance fee was already 3500 yen! disneyland looked really cheap in comparison. and very value for money (only 5500yen!!)

so we walked around, figured out the only thing worth seeing (paying for) was the safari bus, since the safari was like half the Adventure world. and there was like only one bus per hour. (duh) so we went to see the pandas. they are like cuter than bears!!



i didnt know pandas could climb trees, i thought they could only climb bamboo shoots..and it was so destructive it broke like half the tree off. ! it apparently was stronger than it seemed. and there was a baby panda just borned like 8 months ago and it was kept with the mom in a separate room.


it was so sweet.. the mom was cuddling the little panda..

well there were alot of time left so we took the ferris wheel ride.. and then watched some dogs try to catch a ball.. there was this not very bright dog who just kept lagging behind to find the ball when another dog had actually found the ball.. poor thing.. after a while it just sat on the bench and decided to not join in the games at all.. maybe he was pretty smart after all..

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poor little thing hehe.. oh and the lion you had to pay 2000 yen to take photo with


hmm.. after that finally went on the safari bus.. it was actually quite good and they even had a white tiger.. the ride lasted for bout 30 min and after that we just went about the last few places and we saw penguins!


there were even more penguins than in the aquarium and that was no good cos it was too crowded to see anything clearly. after... it was home sweet home.. the bus ride home.. i still couldn'T sleep, so i was sitting there like a zombie for 3.5 hours. (o.O)

and that's the end of the shirahama trip. yay!

ahh its finally the weekend again. this week has been hellish. with the horrid pimple scar on my chin and me feeling super ugly and tired the whole week, only today was better cos the scab went off and i had been frantically repairing my face of its peeling (Stupid autumn air!!) the whole week and not daring to make my condition worse by putting on makeup at all.. so i went to work looking like a panda and felt so blah on the streets of japan where all the girls looked pretty. yikes. and at work, just felt so dead.. cos there was nothing to do. i understood what i was supposed to learn, but i had no system access, i had no real work, so i just sat there reading my accounting book and made myself very sleepy instead. argh. i better go sleep now. zzz


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