The Girl
Singaporean in Japan . loves games . suffers from wanderlust . optimistic dreamer . overactive imagination . 木村拓哉 fan . Worth: $2,782,592.00! . booboogal in Etsy . Tiny Books for Tiny Folks
Tweets by booboogal
In memory of
I read
Leisure Reads
- New York Times
- People
- New Paper
- Joystiq
- Google News
- JLPT Kanji Project
- Flowerpod
- Mixi
- Bloglines
- World Time
- Mojim Song Lyrics
- Yahoo Japan
Money Matters
Previous Posts
- just woke up from a horrible nap.. now my head hur...
- my neck, my arm, and my back are aching like crazy...
- My comp is giving me so much problems.. after an h...
- feeling ultra boliao.. also did this quiz.. veri h...
- my comp is going haywire! my modem had to uninstal...
- just had the dumbest argument with my mum regardin...
- arghh!! i can't believe my stupidity!!! got a ne...
- i am sooooo bored!!
- woke up to see a sms from a person i'm growing to ...
- suddenli veri into blessid union of souls these da...
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