
Saturday, December 19, 2009

千八百六十一: XOXO

been getting the regular dose of Gossip Girl thanks to Shinji, other than that nothing really seems to be worth watching nowadays.

ryo is at work today again. maybe tomorrow as well.

feeling much better now compared to the rut of the past 2 weeks, emotionally better but I guess still not that great. Work wise picking my やる気 back up a little, but don't really know what I want to do also.

Booked a tix on Ryo's JAL miles to London to see my sis + France :) First time i'm flying to europe, kinda excited. but it's quite far 16 hours, and a little worried about the cold, my sis said it's -3 today. & going to detour to Sweden to visit as well, since there are friends living there. Wondering if I should head down to Italy/Rome also? a little bit of something to look fw to now. But because of this trip, with maybe a consecutive trip to sg for work after that, & in btw Ryo is away to US for a 2 wk work trip, I won't see Ryo until March. We sort of counted how much time we lived together after getting married, total of about 6 months? hahaha. oops...

Have to finish up the cards.. was so busy with work yesterday that I couldn't do anything about the cards. have to get them done today.


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