
Monday, February 16, 2009

千七百八十: Mad rush

lack of posts lately due to extreme hectic-ness.

Met xinhuan on thurs, watched New in Town & ate putien noodles. I think i like the fried beehoon better. went to Willow stream after that for some super super shiok massage & then took a conf call at starbucks in the evening. it was a headache logging on to wireless @ sg cos I couldnt remember the password.

friday had a dinner treat from Marini & the girls, we went to Mind's cafe for some mad magazine gaming & simpsons monopoly. we didn't really feel like trying new games, and it was fun enough seeing Suki do the silly actions the game instructed. after that headed to Marini's place for a sleepover, and the girls helped me to make the paper bags for the favours & to gossip. glad I had them to help, cos it took so much less time for 5 of us to finish up the paper bags. lights out at 2 but we continued chatting until 4 plus. haven't had such sessions for a while.

On Saturday, woke up, worked on the programs, scripts & speeches abit more and left around 1pm . was a met rush to meet j at 3, took a cab down to town but traffic jams everywhere. luckily I wasn't late, watched Benjamin Button & I would say it really deserves an oscar. Haven't had a movie that had a good story in it for so long w/o extreme violence or war or murders. of cos, having a hunk brad pitt in it helps. :p had dinner at Pasta cafe after, dessert at Canele's and some beer. and went home to see my sister home from London :)

Sunday .. finished printing the program cards for lunch, then rushed to the bridal shop for a final fitting & the dress looks really sweet. the weather was disgustingly humid by the way. rushed to liang court for dinner with family then met my sis & her frens for thunder from down under. :D so hunky, but they should hv taken off more clothes. took a pic with them at the end, thanks to tingxing who sponsored the pic. :)

I don't know why that guy with the super messy hair was in all the pics though.

finally wrote our vows as well last night over skype. only managed to sleep at 2am, so much to finalise before he flies over here.

he'll finally be here tomorrow.. wonder what the next part of our life has in store for us.


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