
Wednesday, October 03, 2007

千五百二十六: Last Minute Packing

I hate packing/unpacking luggages. Now I know that.

Barely been back about a month and I have to repack my luggage again. I take about 1 wk plus to unpack .. so its like pointless to unpack if I was going to fly off in 3 wks. So here I am trying to pack all the gifts and presents that I can remember to bring, not really bringing a lot of clothes.. dunno what shoes to bring also. so many decisions to make!! argh.

I better remember to do these things tomorrow:
  • prepare list of work to follow up for teammates
  • train Imai-san on the tool.
  • ask her to send Friday's Status report(?)
  • get the test case review out to the lead
  • keep all my things in the drawer for some big shot's visit
  • mail out bills
  • print out Akane-s list of things to buy
  • update my monetary records
  • ...zzz dunno what else le. so tired.
i thnk thats about all? hmm gotta shut down the laptop and keep it oso le


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