
Monday, August 14, 2006

千百五十一: サボった

oops. been lazy during the weekend. oh . to show u my bowling score from the game on saturday.

shocking scores..

hehe. in descending order:
1. 37 - the lane we bowled in
2. 36 - the score of my first game
3. 35 - the score of my second game.

(=.=) so paiseh. so low. -.- but i really forgot how to bowl liao. dunno how many years never touch a bowling ball le. argh.

today at the library until 5pm . i finally satisfied my craving of the korean food for dinner/lunch. happy! even though i had to eat alone. argh.

and after that, i went to look around yodobashi to estimate how a future furnishing of our house of the essential electronics would cost us when we are newlyweds. and to live comfortably (middle end budget for all items) would set us back 960000 yen. which is about... 960000 / 1000 * 13.5 = S$12960! seems like a huge amt to me. but is it really huh? thats only electronics like fridge and stuff, no furniture calculated yet even. -.- cham liaoz..


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