
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

1026 dumb blogger

blogger/gmail everything google related seems to be extremely slow tonight.
loading extremely extremely slowly.

after i walked from the office to umeda (20 min walk) yesterday, i realised i enjoyed the walk. the walk alone gave me a chance to see new places and to think. i guess when walking alone with music in my ears, my thoughts are the loudest amongst the noisy city. abit cliched hah. but true. i think i've partly grown used to the solitude. to spending evenings alone on weekdays, to go home and cook my dinner, to have my hair dry by 12midnite, to have the bed all to myself so that i can sleep properly without waking up at night or to wake up with a neckache in the morning or that i won't be woken up by someone watching the TV when i wanna sleep in somemore. ... -.- u noe.. if u got a comfortable routine, its pretty irritating when someone disrupts it.

but don't get me wrong. i love him still of cos. just that i guess u reach some point where u prefer to have ur own space after months of lovey dovey honeymoon.

so i walked home again today. but today's weather was so cold that my ears hurt. and it hurt so bad my eyes were watering and my head began spinning. i had to seek shelter in a convenience store. and even then my ears still hurt until i felt giddy. i had taken a different route from yesterday and it turned out to be wrong but i managed to navigate back to some familiar landmarks after wandering around by instinct for 15 min. :p but i managed to walk to umeda again today and i am pretty proud of myself. this move will save me money and give me some exercise.. i haven't done any exercise in a year liaoz. hmm just measured my weight today: 42.7kg, 17.7% fat level. pretty low.

reached Umeda at 7.20pm.. walked around looking at the spring fashion trends. in the end I bought a denim jacket. pretty expensive but a little reward for not having bought any clothes for 3 months i suppose. :) i think i need a pair of new heels too. i felt very unpretty with my tired face and my sneakers in the dept store, in this country where all the girls wore 3-inch heels and did nice make-up and hair no matter where or when you see them. (some wake up earlier & sleep later than their husbands to put on/remove makeup so that their husbands will never ever see their unmade faces ever.) and my hair was pretty messy i suppose, my fringe is just this stubborn cowlick after i cut it. haiz.

hmm . i'm not unhappy right now. I'm not happy either. not very sure why i'm in this void. no feelings?

aniway.. leaving u people with a video of 2 of my fav idols. together lei!! SMAP and Takeshi Kaneshiro!!


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