
Sunday, October 24, 2004

omg.. the sports thing started at work.. it was horrendous.. some called in frantically to cancel, some called to scold us for misleading them when they signed the contract... haiz.. u still got a discount rite? some people are just so stingy.. no money still wanna enjoy all the luxuries..

have been thinking bout wat i have to settle b4 leaving.. my insurance, suspend my phone lines, terminate my internet account.. buy my clothes.. & other necessities..like winter clothing.. I'm going to see snow for the first time in my life!!! hahaha.. i'm so excited.. getting a new digicam.. woohOO!!

ray asked me to go to his housemates' farewell bbq just now.. it was quite fun.. except everyone spoke cantonese except me.. !! well.. at least i'm picking up the understanding of it here and there.. it sounds so nice!! but i just can't speak it .. haha.. also bought a jacket (ZARA!) thats black and winter of cos.. its WARM!! so happy..

someone (actually hawx wants to claim for this) asked me to decipher this: agisyreuooenwwua . its a sentence sans the spaces, with the letters all jumbled up. can u do it? eh.. i will give the answer in a few days?


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