
Monday, June 14, 2004

watched Best Bet! its pretty good actually, despite having a lot of cheesy songs haha.. quite a gd story line, its meaningful enuff and close to a singaporean's heart. the dialect at first was a little hard to swallow, but after awhile it became pretty funny.. :) go watch it!

tiring day today... morning early tuition.. was so blur i lost my way, saw the wrong block on my paper twice and wandered ard abit b4 finding the correct place..then erm realised i need to revise my A maths. :S after that went to Wei laoshi's husband's wake. haiz. its a sad story. and she was too busy with other students to entertain us oso, but its ok .. she looks so thin, i hope she takes better care of herself..

after that fell asleep on the bus and went to tuition again and the mom made me stay another 1.5 hours for her other son. damn it. so tired after that. :( argh. time to rest.


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