
Sunday, March 21, 2004

tuition this morning .. could barely get up.. but the mom was nice enuff to say she'll pay me weekly.. woohoo! my tranport fees are accounted for liao..

then met jack and his fren for lunch at kuishinbo.. was supposed to meet jack at JP after tuition.. but my cuckoo tuition kid give me wrong info and i took the bus at the wrong side and ended up at west coast. so cuckoo!! ... in the end was late by half hour.. and when we reached suntec it was already 2.. the buffet ending at 3!! argh.. but we found out it was ok to eat until we finish wat we ordered so we decided to hiong all our powers at 2.55pm haha.. we ordered so much food until we almost dieded.. in the end oni jack couldn't finish his food cos he was too greedy hehe.. we were last to leave the restaurant even.. at nearly 4.. HP was having some promotion downstairs to show off their photo printers and we 3 took a photo to print free of charge.. forgot to get a digital copy of it though.. damn..

after that was so full that although was supposed to have dinner with family, i didn't eat a single thing at dinner.. too full. and veri sleepy oso.. its been a gd day.. :)


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