
Friday, July 04, 2003

arghh.. fell down badli at ECP when cycling.. wounds on my untilnow pretty scar-free leg.. haizzz.... blood and lots of bruises.. so sad!! and now can't bend my leg properly.. and 2 fifty-cent sized wounds on the knee.. haizz

big thanks to hailiang and henry for lombanging me on their bicycle all the way to geylang and back!! :) and must admit yaohui's a pretty good medic despite having been the one to cause my fall.. :P and weilun too, for being so kind to send me to the interview.. :):) and all the others for being so accomodating as well.. thanks pple!!

now waiting for the guys to bathe and set off.. came to xq's house to collect food and twister.. damn off.. been raining the whole of yesterday and today.. no beach activities..

wonder if upfront will realli notify me for ani assignments? hmm ... waiting...


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